Project Management Processes
The Project Management Process Groups Are: Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring Closing

Here you will find Templates for the 5 process groups.
The Initiating process group is the phase where all pre-requisite activities will be carried out in order to do a project. It also defines a new project or a new phase of an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project.
See templates here
The Planning process is the process group of formalizing and confirming the project goals and objectives. It also creates the project management plan to achieve project objectives. It includes budgets, activity definition, scope planning, schedule development, risk identification, staff acquisition, procurement planning, and so on. Planning process group is the one group revisited during various phases of the project.
See templates here
The Executing Process Group’s function is to coordinate people and resources to complete project work as outlined in the Project Management Plan and to meet project objectives.
See templates here
The Monitoring & Controlling process group is where project performance measurements are taken, analyzed and determine the project progress is align with the project plan. This will assist to identify the issues & problems and take corrective actions to meet the project objectives. While taking corrective actions, the PM may re-visit to the earlier process groups such as planning, executing.
See templates here
The closing process refers to those processes that have been conducted to formally terminate and conclude all tasks, activities, and component parts of a particular project, or phase of a project.
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